Monday 26 March 2018

An Ancient-Egyptian themed day out

DISCLOSURE: This was written 4 years ago and I'm have added on more things as Mahi is now learning too with other things we have done!

We are mad about ancient Egypt! 

Their interests started through me and at school. Since I’m also an Egyptian enthusiast, we had long discussions about ancient Egypt and watch documentaries.

 When Lucky was learning about Ancient Egypt in Year 4, to cultivate that interest more, I wanted to take her somewhere that helped her learn more about ancient Egypt. Although I knew British museum has a huge section on Ancient Egypt, I didn’t think that would be enough as Laksha loves a hands on experience. So I googled about more places to learn about Ancient Egypt and came across the gem that is Petrie Museum.

Located on the UCL campus in Euston Square and a few minutes walk away from the British Museum, this museum is free. Since it was half term, they had lots of activities going on such as a young archeology pack, a brilliant activity book, card games, colouring and dotted around the museum were dressing up costumes and computer games. It is a small museum but the treasures we saw were mind-blowing. Our favourite queens statues and ornaments were there. The wealth of information from such a small museum was amazing. The helper was also very helpful when we were looking for specific things. She was oozing out knowledge and so helpful. A great afternoon spent.

Now that Mahi is learning it too, I wanted to take him somewhere else and we ended up at the Horniman Museum. The display they had was extremely small unfortunately but it as a great museum in terms of learning about different cultures around the world. 

The next stop is British Museum where we saw lots of mummies much to Mahish's delight! We also took part in a family workshop looking at images used in Ancient Egypt and created an image of our own!

Although not in London, we visited the Tutankhamun exhibition in Dorchester where we saw so many mummies but also important artefacts and objects. I was engrossed and the kids were engrossed too. This was the only museum that involved a cost but it was reasonable price. There were activities for kids too so they learned while playing! 

If you know any other Ancient Egypt places to visit in London?