Thursday 20 April 2017

1st birthday celebration as an adult

Last Thursday, I celebrated my birthday. That sentence to me is a big deal to me. For me to actually celebrate my birthday is a big deal! Why? Because after my 20th birthday, I never ever wanted to celebrate my. Idthday again since that's when my life took a bad turn and my depression set in! For the last 9years, I refused to celebrate it and usually hibernate on that day! Why? The constant comparison of myself with other people of the same age and that I wasn't doing as well as others. The fact that I didn't deserve to be celebrated as I've hurt a few people including the people who birthed me.

But last Thursday was different. It is my last birthday in my 20s and although my early 20s where turbulent, overall it was my most defining decade where I became a parent, discovered myself,  completed my degree and embarked on further studies as well as stepping and progressing on my career ladder. It is the decade where I build up my life from scratch. From living in other people's floor to now renting our own private flat. Finally, my kids... I have 2 little humans I created (and the husband) who wanted to celebrate me! But I wanted to celebrate it on my own terms!

I always wanted to go for afternoon tea, we booked a beautiful afternoon tea at The Milestone Hotel in Kensington. I wanted one that was perfect for the kids and when reading about best afternoon tea for children's, The Milestone topped he list. So we headed down to Kensington all excited to eat all the yummy food. The staff were amazing! We were welcomed warmly into a very beautiful drawing room. The hot chocolate we ordered was the best. It was so milky and with the right amount of  chocolate. We didn't wait long for our food to come. The kids had a 2 tier little prince and little princess afternoon teas. Mine was a beautiful sight too and we couldn't wait to tuck in. The sandwiches were yummy with a variety of them. our favourite was the hotel's signature chicken sandwich. The pastries, oh, what can I say?  So yummy! There was so much choice and so many chocolates delights hat we couldn't finish all of it. Thankfully, they can pack it to take it home. We were just communicating with 'mmm' 'yum'.  The Milestone Hotel also offers the kids to decorate their own cupcake but as it was Easter, the kids got to decorate their own massive Faberge eggs! I know! The staff encouraged the children to use their imagination by not worrying about making a mess which the children loved so they couldn't concentrate on decorating their eggs rather then checking what mess they need to clean! Once we arrived back at the table, we finished our afternoon tea with some delicious scones! My first afternoon tea was a success and now can't wait to go back to The Milestone. A great experience for kids and adults alike. I can't fault it. And the Diana Memorial Park is just round the corner including Kensington Palace  so why not make it a day in London?

Next, thanks to my work gang who booked very cheap tickets via Picniq, we headed off to The London Tombs in London Bridge. As a family, we love scary things. The kids favourite special day isn't Christmas but Halloween so that says how excited we were to hang out with zombies,  skeletons, etc... To be honest, we didn't know what to expect so that built up our excitement too! Seeing all the characters too pumped us up! We had to wait a bit before entering but that's fine! We were offered free sweets while we were waiting which was a plus not knowing that we will actually need the overload of sugar very soon! Before all the scary stuff happened, we were introduced to the history of London Bridge including a little museum. And then, all the excitement happened. It was a very good 1h45 screaming and running. The first 30mins was not as scary and included history with gory artefacts. The second half is the scary but so if you feel uncomfortable in the first half, before you go to the 2nd half, you have the opportunity to leave the tour. My kids were the last ones standing and wanted to go al the way. Weird children I have. So we entered the second half and it was the best. I have to say, the way the staff communicated with us, signs and clips did make us a bit anxious which definetely increased our heart rate before we even stepped into the rooms.We had to go through The Tombs in single file and had to hold on to each other. I don't want to ruin it but they will be things jumping at you and chasing you but they won't touch you! Mahi waved at a zombie but otherwise didn't scream. Lucky on the other hand was screaming! I was just trying to not look back just in case something was following me. However, when we came out, we all wanted to go back and experience it again. ( This experience has slight changed due to Covid since this post was written). Mahi who looked fearless through the whole experience, point blank refused to go back! However, he wants to go back now and Mahi and Lucky have planned to go back in 7years time! Like I said, weird children I got! So yes, it is scary and might not be suitable for children who won't cope with severed heads/body parts, zombies, etc... Even grown up adults had to leave after the mild first half. Adults were running for their lives in the second half so only recommend if you and your children love all things bloody and morbid, like me and my children! It was a great experience and learned a few things about London Bridge too so would definetely recommend it if you ar brave!

My birthday ended with a great experience at JRC GLobal Buffet with food from all over the world and live cooking. The birthday girl went for free. Children were half price at £9.50 each and adult was £19. Lucky tried all the food that we wouldn't usually eat such as sushi and oyster. A good experience to expand your taste buds! Thankfully nobody brought a cake out!

Overall my birthday day was amazing and just how I liked it! So here's to my 29th and my last year year in my tremendous twenties!

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Hampton Court Palace and The Twits

Since Laksha loves history and is learning about the Tudors, I thought this will be the perfect place to  talk her and add to her knowledge. And what more, there was an Easter egg hunt too and lots of sets and crafts going on perfect for Mahi!

We picked a beautiful day to go and had first a little picnic on the palace grounds. We then headed off to discover the palace! The place itself is so beautiful!! The kids loved going into the private places of where Henry the 8th lived! We loved exploring the different places in the palace! We also took part in interactive workshops and watching an hour long drama about Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's brief story before their child was born. It was a great show which took us through different rooms in the palace which reinforced the story. Once we finished, exploring the palace we went to the gardens and that was another beautiful sight. We also visited the Rose Garden but no roses flowered. Once we finished exploring, we went to the Magical Gardens. It was one of the best playgrounds we've been too. Mahi was addicted to the slides and rolling down the hills. Lucky was just running around everywhere playing in the water play area and the tiny towers feeling like a princess.

As we were in the area, we also managed to fit in 'The Twits' show at the Rose Theatre in Kingston. As the kids loved Roald Dahl and O always wanted to see a production of The Twits, I thought it'll be perfect I was surprised to see that people with no children were there to watch it. The show was very interactive and disgustingly fantastic! The characters, songs and just the whole show was brilliant! We loved getting water sprayed during the show! By seriously, go watch it! We absolutely loved it!

Friday 7 April 2017

The Chocolate Museum

The Easter holidays are here! I have so much planned that I don't know if I'll need a bed rest for a couple of days soon!

As always, I plan in advance what to do when kids holidays are here so I cAn take annual leave appropriately. While I researched to see if anything interesting was happening, Timeout had this Chocolate Museum workshops on and best of all it was in London!!! Woohoo! I didn't even know here was a chocolate museum? Did you? The price was quite reasonable too! £5/child. So I booked it, all excited and forgetting that Lucky had given up chocolates for Lent 🙈🙈🙈

The day came and of course I never tell the kids where we are going until we get there! Once they found out where we are going Mahi was ecstatic! Lucky was unstandingly quite angry at the choice of day out since she won't be eating the chocolates we make until Easter Sunday! So I allowed her that she can lick the chocolate while she makes it which made her happy!

The museum is a 5mins walk from Brixton station and looks like a shop front that we nearly missed it! The museum is small with workshops happening on the ground floor and a small exhibition at the basement! However, they made it quite homely. We were welcomed by a lovely staff member and introduced the kids about the workshops, what mounds they wanted and what type of cholcolate they wanted! Chocolate available were white, milk and dark. There were 4 mounds available: a medium sized duck which will become a solid chocolate, 4 lollipops, 1 egg and another which will produce 4 small eggs. Lucky picked white chocolate with the enormous egg and Mahi was mild lollipops. The kids got to first colour the stencil which they were also excited about. Theme they got to temper the chocolate and stir the chocolate until it came down to the right temperature. Once the right temperature was achieved, it was all about filling the mounds and licking off childcare of course! They really didn't need any lunch! Once they were set, we had to massage our moulds and tah-dah we had some yummy chocolate and it was yummy (because I was also involved in the chocolate licking process)!

I thought they was a lot of waiting around before and during the workshop. It would have been a good idea to explain the history of chocolate and for the kids to visit the exhibition as  children were getting quite bored. The exechibition itself had some great information! They only had 2 staff for about 20children. The one that we were welcomed by was very friendly but the other staff member was rushing everybody and was not very friendly. She filled Mahi's mould instead of him filling it which kind of killed the fun for him! Although when booking it says 1hr, the workshop took 2hrs. You can leave the kids at the workshops and wander around Brixton if you wanted to. But if you wanted to stick around like I did, seating were only available in the basement!

Overall, the kids had a blast and the chocolate is truly delicious! They were so proud of their chocolate making skills and for £10 for both children, we had our money's worth. They also do adults workshops. For more info, here is the link:

Monday 3 April 2017

Boss Baby Review


         THE BOSS BABY

         The boss baby is a  baby with no sense of laughter when he was born. He goes to the Templetons house and he gets the true meaning of family, laughter, friendship and lo lo  love .He went to the Templetons house to do an investigation on why baby are getting less attention and care.The boss baby has a big white face with dark green eyes, small chubby nose, pink small lips, small ears, little yellow hair. Do you know two things that are a little creepy? He wears  a suit like a business man and has a brief case. How creepy?


        There is a boy called Tim Templeton. He is a proper boy that helps the boss baby on his mission. Tim has a very big imagination but because of him boss baby can have the same imagination as Tim. Tim is the boss baby’s worst enemy. Tim shows the baby the real meaning of love and how to show it. Tim then loves the boss baby and asked him if he can come and live with them and thats what the boss baby did. Tim has a white face,blue eyes,brown wavy hair,rossy cheeks, and a yellow stripy t-shirt. Such a caring boy!!

       My likes
The movie was the best movie I have seen yet. I liked the funny parts and the characters. I disliked nothing. Every thing was perfect. I rate it 10/10. It is a drum role….10!!!!! Thank you for listening or lets say reading my review.                                                                   

Please give a thumbs up or down and please subscribe. this is Sophie's beautiful daughter,