Wednesday 21 June 2017

Go home on time!

Today is 'go home on time day' and so at 4pm today, I packed my bag and left work! Oh wait! That's what I do every Wednesday. And come to think of it, on Monday and Thursday too to spend time with the family and taking the kids to their respective classes! So this day really doesn't apply to me because I was confident to ask for flexible working whenever I started a new job!  I always put my family first and so find work that works for me and my family. Hence why I only jump jobs when I feel confident enough that they will provide what I want! Unfortunately, salary does take a back seat! I never stayed in a job for more than a year as I always find a job which will provide me with flexible working and a higher salary. However, the last 2 years I've stayed in the same job because the flexibility they provide me is exactly what I need right. Now. With a husband working night shifts and the kids needs changing where they need me more to do homework and take them to classes, I need more flexibility. I'm afraid I will lose it if I go to a managerial role where more responsibility is needed. Although, I would love the money that the managerial role will provide, my kids are my priority right now! I czn get that managerial role in 10years time but I won't get my babies back. Hence why, flexibility is more important than salary even though we are struggling financially. But a parent needs to do what a parent wants to do! I love spending time with my kids. Even though I'm at work, because of my flexibility, I know everything that goes on in my kids school life! From who has fallen over to what latest dance move tehy've learned, I know EVERYTHING! And this is why, 'Go home on Time' day is a perfect snoozy for parents to ask for flexible working and for employers to see how beneficial it is to their work life. I'm feeling korenproductiove and feeling more loyal to my employers becusde they are meeting my needs. I am also happier!

Here is a blog post I wrote for Young Women's Trust about my experience of flexible working:

Enjoy your family time!

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