Monday 21 September 2020

Post summer holidays blues

As we say goodbye to the last summer day and the family has got back to the school routine, it is a great time to look back but at our summer holidays.

Lucky went back to school just the last week before school broke up. This was her year 6 graduation and sending off week and me or her wanted to save whatever we could from her last week in primary school before she goes to big school! I have to say that since there wasn't many students, my fears of sending Lucky back to school were calmed down. It was easy to socially distance and with different entries and exits for the other 2 year groups. Anyways, Lucky had a wonderful last week. They had a socially distance class party and a more socially-distanced graduation party. I wasn't too pleased about the people who received the awards but very proud of how much my little 11year old achieved in her primary school years including being a rights ranger, campaigning about anti-bullying, being a sports captain, always being called for different sporting events, many concerts and more importantly being there for everyone! She won the best friend award and how true is the?1 i'm so proud of the human i created. It was quite an emotional farewell saying goodbye to all my mummy friends. 7 years of supporting each other through all our different issues.... What a journey it has been.

The summer also meant we moved out to a bigger property at another borough meaning the kids needed to change school. That bought on  a whole kind of nightmare i wasn't ready for but we have finally settled in.  Literally, if you decide to move to a whole other area, make sure you do it before you kids start any schools!!! Settling in is so tough. I hate moving and everything that comes with it.

We also went away for short trips in August which I will detail in separate blog posts.

My school shop was so expensive this year what with Lucky starting school and buying several types of uniform since the turnaround for the schools was so high! However, the kids are so happy to go back to school and be social butterflies again. I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't want to deal with school runs, bedtime routines and classes. I also was still undecided about  whether to send kids back to school or not with being unsure whether it was safe or not knowing the'll be a surge in cases. However, the kids wanted to go back to school to see friends and interacting again with their age group kids. Both have now started new schools nearby. Lucky hates hers (for the moment) and today was Mahi's first day so I won't know how his day went for another hour or so. 

Fingers crossed for the new term and a mess-free academic year!

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