Thursday 22 October 2020

Fruit Picking

A perfect playdate opportunity during the summer without being closed off within 4 walls. With friends, we spent a great afternoon chasing kids through sweetcorn crops and trying to stop the kids from eating all the fruits. We went fruit picking at Parkside Farm in Enfield. Due to the coronavirus, we had to pre-book online but the slots only open  days before and they were flying like hot cakes. The entrance fees are not expensive and the cost of it will be taken off your final bill after you picked your fruits.

A whole afternoon wasn't enough to be honest but due to restrictions, we couldn't spend a whole day there. The time we went, most of the crops were ready to be picked and boy, did we pick a lot. I didn't buy any fruits or vegetables for about 2 weeks from the supermarket. There were a wide range of fruits and vegetables to pick from. We had 4 excited kids running and playing across the crops including cheekily hiding and putting fruits right in their mouths instead of in the basket!!! They loved picking crops with lots of instructions on how to pick different fruits/vegetables best. 

The prices were so cheap compared to the supermarket prices.

We rounded the day with having ice cream from the shop and relaxing after a heavy day of being a fruit picker!

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