Thursday 23 September 2021

Shakespeare's Land - Stratford-Upon-Avon

There was a phase where my daughter was mad about Shakespeare. So after we exhausted all the books and did  multiple home-made recreations of different plays, what else was I to do but take her to Shakespeare hometown? I booked an Airbnb in a little village not far from the town centre for 2 nights and off we went! Before you head out, it is vital to pre-book and there's great combination tickets which saves a bit of money. You can find ticket details here: 

Before we went to Stratford-Upon-Avon, we made a quick stop to  Wilmcote to visit Shakespeare's mother's house, Mary Arden Farm. This was such a great place to visit with kids as they had people in character and reenactment of how life was on the far. It had a playground, animal farm. We took part in a reenactment of how meal time was back in those times where the kids were picked to help out with the play. They is so much history so take time and enjoy! A wonderful place for kids little and big. We then headed to Stratford-Upon-Avon and explored the vibrant town centre and its quirky shops like the Christmas shop, Peter rabbit shop and a shop dedicated to just teddy bears! 

The next day, we headed back to the town centre to visit 2 houses. Shakespeare's birthplace and Anne Hathaway's House! As it was a school holiday, there was a lot of kid activities including plays everywhere. Maybe the houses were a bit too much for my son who was 5 who just wanted to move along fast while my 8 year old was transported to Shakespeare's time! Once we were done with the houses, we headed down the high street to MAD Museum (Mechanical Art and Design Museum). This was such a gem of a museum with so much to explore and lots of hands on exhibits. Anyone will have a blast here! I thought the price didn't do justice to what the museum had to offer. It was quite cheap. Next we headed to the back streets to go to Tudor World. As you know, we are a family that loves history and need to absorb as much history as we can. Tudor World was great. Lots of different areas to cover the Tudor time including the plague and witches. It can get quit spooky due to the light effect so if your child is afraid of the dark, then beware. The museum also had a trail going with a prize at the end of it.

On our last day, we headed to the Royal Shakespeare company where we had booked for a free theatre workshop. It was a family event so we all had to get involved and show off our wonderful acting skills! We then also had a tour of the theatre and had a chance to try out costumes, look at set designs, etc... Wonderful gift shop too. Lucky took such a long time to pick what she wanted! Before our train was due, we had a picnic and played by the River Avon.

I love historic town and the rich history. Even if you are not into Shakespeare, I will highly recommend you visit this beautiful town!

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