Tuesday 25 January 2022

Playing as an adult

Do you go to the park and swing on the swings or slide down the slide? Well, I do! There are time when I don't feel like it but often, I'll be the adult who will happily queue amongst kids half my size to use the swings! It's not embarassing! I love connecting to my inner child. I'm ignoring my daughter comments about how immature I am. Life is hard as it is. You need to forget the world and become a child sometimes to still be able to love life!

Playing as an adult is a must! How else would you relieve your stress? I love playing with my kids most of the time. It makes me forget about adult life for a little while. When you spend time with kids, you see life through their eyes and it's so beautiful (although don't spend too much time with a teenager... it's so dark and depressing, if you are anything like my daughter!) Mahi is full of POKEMON, video games problems! I feel so accomplished when I solve one of those problems with him! I wish I had problems like that for real too!

Playing is also keeping us young and rejuvenates us. Have you been on a zipwire. I love that thrill and it always makes me laugh when I go on it! You need these experiences in your life even as an adult.

So play! Who cares if people look at you? It's your life. Stay young!

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