Monday 2 September 2024

A day in Ramsgate

 If you are looking for a seaside town not too far from London, Ramsgate is a great option with a few things to do on top of relaxing at the sandy beach.

The highlight of our trip was the Ramsgate Tunnels which was a railway tunnel before turning it into a bomb  shelter used during WW2.You will need to book a guided tour before your visit and the tickets were quite reasonable. You will need to wear sensible footwear and carry a cardigan as it can quite cold inside the tunnels. There's a great exhibition explaining the history of the tunnels. Did you know that Ramsgate was the most bombed town during WW2 with 500 bombs within a couple of minutes? But because of the tunnel shelter, the death count was low despite the heavy bombing! At the start of our tour, we saw a little movie about the the tunnels and its role during WW2. It wasn't too long and our guide asked us a few questions which was really good as it kept us engaged. We were told the safety precautions and then headed to the tunnels. Helmets are not mandatory but are there if you need. We really enjoyed the tour which took between 1h30-1h45 with plenty of stops. Where there are no lights, you will be provided with torches. At the end, we got to see photos and hear stories of people who were in the tunnels. It was quote emotional! A great time was had by all of us even by my unenthusiastic teenager.

Next time, we headed to the harbour and visited the amusement arcade and walked around the promenade which was nice! We also walked on Madeira walk with a nice little garden to visit and relax.

There were 2 unusual museums to visit:

1) This Museum is (not) Obsolete -  An interactive Museum Celebrating Experimental,                    Musical And Obsolete Technologies.

2) The Micro Museum - Kent's only Museum of vintage computers and video games.

We had a great day out by the seaside with many unusual things to do! Thanks you Ramsgate!

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