Monday 15 May 2017

Imperial Festival

Last weekend we went to our first Imperial Festival. Working and studying at Imperial you would have thought I would have gone a couple of years ago but no, this was our first time and now we'll make it annual.

Imperial College is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and I'm proud to say that I'm both a student at Imperial College and work at Imperial NHS Trust. Every year, Imperial College in South Kensington opens its door to showcase their latest advance in technology and medicine.

Since the weather was gorgeous, we decided to have a go at this festival and boy, we weren't disappointed! As we arrived through the gate, we saw St John's ambulance teaching CPR and Lucky wanted to learn this vital skill (which stemmed from when she saw an accident and felt helpless that she couldn't help the poor biker). We also had a nice tour of the ambulance. As Mahi loves all things yucky, our next stop was microbes and it was so interactive that I wish I was a kid too to play those games ( I still played). From looking at bacteria under the microscope to looking how dirty our hands were through learning about antibiotic resistance, we spend a good hour just in that area!

The next stop was the human body and this is where 2 of our favourite stalls were. Mahi was intrigued by the bioengineer stalls and was amazed that we could make bones. Lucky was playing surgery with an I-knife and found it quite hard. I don't think she'll want to be a surgeon! Our favourite stall was playing a race car game controlling it by just our brain activity! We were given special headband and once signal is received to the race track, it was whizz whizz whizz! To test it if it really was controlled by brain activity, I asked Laksha to sing. When she sang, it went really fast. I told her then to do her time tables and it went a little bit slower! It was so amazing t see! The kids wouldn't leave the stall. We also learned about about dirty water in Africa and worms in them. The kids loved this stall because they had a massive worm sweet and then tic-tacs to act as medicine against the good fat work they just ate!

Our last stop was he robots where Mahi was in his element. From robots doing calligraphy to spider drones, Mahi's only word was "wow"! We also tried robotic arms and making a dinosaur dance!

The only downside was time. We came too late to enjoy everything! So next time, we'll go quite early to enjoy everything!

It was a great way to learn new things and understand what is going on currently!

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