Tuesday 12 September 2017



I'm an active volunteer/campaigner. I always volunteered since I was 14. Ta satisfaction you get from helping each other without expecting nothing in return is priceless. Whether it's translation or writing articles for the local community, I've always loved volunteering. However, my full on campaigning stared just 3 years ago! It seems like a long time ago but it has just been 3 years. In those 3 years, I've worked with some amazing charities. Here are the amazing charities I worked with:

  1. Young Women's Trust - I know I go on and on about this charity but I won't stop praising it because it has opened so many doors for me and I was able to change the way my local community is shaped! YWT is here to help young women and mum who have been NEET ( not in education, employment or training). They offer some amazing services such as Working Out where you get a dedicated coach to help you on journey to work, education or training. More info here: https://www.youngwomenstrust.org. They've also got an advisory panel, was the best thing I've done! Not only did I meet other inspiring young women and mums on they bi-yearly residentials (all costs covered and children are always welcome), you get to help shape the charity's various campaigns! Yes! They want to hear our stories to guide them towards their next campaigns! Not only that, you get to attend important events such as going to Parliament and even the Queen's Garden Party and influence police-makers. It is them who encouraged me to talk to my local MP about how lives of young mums can be improved in Harrow touching on maternity and pregnancy discrimination too! My local MP not only put us in touch with the council to see how we can help the young mums to achieve their goals, he also introduced the subject of pregnancy and maternity discrimination to parliament and debated it! Which leads to my next charity....
  2. EHRC (Equality and human rights committee) - through YWT, I attended EHRC's first meeting about maternity discrimination! I worked closely with them by raising my voice about my experience. I was also involved with the development of resources about this topic. One thing led to another and now I'm 1/5 of Young Mums Collectiv which is geared towards young mums to help them not only battle discrimination but provide them with support through online workshops which you can find here: http://www.youngmumscollective.com.Our group was unities by Joeli who runs Pregnant then Screwed, kicking maternity and pregnancy discrimination in its face ( http://www.PregnantThenScrewed.com). Because of all our combined campaigning, the government has now extended the time for new parents to take their employers to courts over pregnancy/maternity discrimination from 3months to 6months!!!
  3. 4Children - now gone into administration, the charity gave me the voice to campaign about childcare costs! The first time I stepped into Parliament was because of this charity! I spoke in front of ministers, BBC and done a few radio interviews because of this charity. 2 years ago, i campaigned for increasing free childcare hours especially for working parents and from this year onwards, children aged 3-4 are entitled to 30hrs free childcare! 
  4. Young Mum Support Network  (http://ymsn.co.uk) - this is the charity that really had me wanting to change what Harrow offers to young mums. The phenomenal lady behind this charity is Fiona Small. Based in South London, she does so much for young mums. There are so much to list but to name a few: internships with lloyds, lunch club, etc.... we are working together to deliver the similar things in Harrow! And Fiona is not done with all her exciting projects! 
  5. Best Beginnings - this is a charity dedicated to support parents who have experienced mental illness before, during and after pregnancy! I joined the parent panel and contribute to various things such as reviewing videos, attending events (met the young Royals at their home for the launch of the Heads Together campaign) but also help promote and review the wonderful Baby BuddyApp which is an App developed to tackle mental illness by concentrating on guiding through the first few months of your baby's life! Seriously check it out even if you are not pregnant https://www.bestbeginnings.org.uk/baby-buddy
  6. Mind - mental illness is such a huge taboo in the Tamil community. But I wanted to show that it's ok to talk openly about it! I met another inspirational lady, Rani Aunty from there Tamil Community Centre in Harrow. She guided me to Mind in Harrow who were looking for Tamil- speaking volunteers to deliver workshops! So with the help of the lead of the programme, we delivered workshops across Harrow mostly on Weekends during language schools! It was emotional to see the response and seeing people opening up about their issues! Its so good to see more people accepting mental illnesses!
  7. Hope Harrow - a local charity which is very close to my heart as I was a trustee and then the Chair. This is a charity just for parents and provides courses on issues that will help parenting. It does wonderful work and training parents from all backgrounds to support parents from the same background! Can't wait to be trained as one too! http://www.hopeharrow.org.uk

These are my favourite charities who have helped me bring a better future for my children and future generations. Let's show them some love by keep supporting them. Donate or volunteer!

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