Thursday 9 November 2017

Halloween Treat- The Terrible Infants

After seeing Alice’s Adventures Undergroud and being amazed by it, we caught a poster of this production and the kids really wanted to see it! We weren’t disappointed!

Set in the beautiful Wilton’s Music Hall, a 10 minutes walk from Tower Hill Station, the whole production was quirky, funny and clever! With the use of enormous and weird puppets and excellent use of varied instruments, the cast was AMAZING! The storytelling was on point and easy for kids over 7 years to understand. Younger kids are also welcome and thanks to the puppetry and the acting my 5 year old Mahi understood what was going on and laughed on a few occasions!

There’s a moral to each dark story told! Mahi now doesn’t want to think with his belly but his brain (don’t ask!) and Laksha is “very happy to be who she is”! I’m so glad we went! I think I enjoyed it more than the kids and loved every single minute of it! We can’t wait for their next production! 

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