Monday 4 June 2018

What it means to be a woman today?

What is it to be a woman today? 

The world celebrated international women's day on the 8th of March.  It was nice to see my Facebook and Twitter timelines filled with people telling then how a special female has inspired them. For me, it is my daughter.  If it wasn't for her, I would have been dead by now and I’m saying that in a literal way! Although it is great to celebrate a women, why don't we celebrate women around us everyday?? Women around the world are subject to violence, abuse and discrimination. Gender inequality is still a huge problem across the world! UN reports say for women to earn as much as men, it will take 43 years minimum!! Although women are starting to make a stand for themselves, most of them just accept the fact that because they are female,  discrimination and inequality is part of 
their agenda. But when and where did they accept these discrimination and inequality?! At a very young age and in their own home by their own family! Does this shock you? Maybe if I tell you some scenarios, it will sound familiar! 

When I was a teenager, if I wanted to go out I had to ask a week or so in advance.  After a lengthy questioning of who I was going with, where, what we see going to do and what time... I will then need to wait a couple of days before the verdict is given. Most of the time, it was a yes. And on the day, it’ll be endless calls!However,  when my brother states (not asks) to go out, usually with no pre-warning, that is not not a problem.  I understand the safety aspect of me going out but isn't 
my brother at the same risk? Shouldn't my brother go through the same process as I went through?  Why not? Because I was a girl. My friend's brother will have his girls pals around and that was not an issue but god forbid, if my friend bought some guy pals, it was the family's honour going! Why this different treatment? Because she was a girl! When a colleague was offered a PhD at a renowned university, the parents didn't allow her because who will marry her if she has too many qualifications? Why was she denied further education? Because she was a girl! Why is the synonym for woman is sacrifice? Why are we the ones to sacrifice things for our families? Why are we called selfish for putting us first? After all, shouldn’t we take care of ourselves so we can take better care of others around us!

Bring a woman nowadays means we are responsible not only to care for our families but also have our own career. Why does the childcare and looking after the home always fall on us, women?  We live in the 21st century and we still have to fight what the society dictates women to do! Why is that when a dad looks after his own child, we call it babysitting? Why is that mothers always have to be put as primary contact on school forms? When I put my husband’s number as primary contact, the admin lady looked at me and asked me if I was sure! Hmm.. Yh! He’s the one at home during the daytime while I’m working.  The look I got for saying I wasn’t the primary caregiver and his forbid for being a working mum…

I have both a daughter and a son and when they grow up, they won't have different rules! If my daughter isn't allowed to go out at night, neither can 
my son! It's simple as that! I want my daughter to grow up in a family where she sees that the same treatment is given to her as much as her brother regardless of gender!  I want my son to grow up knowing that females are equal to men! If they are treated right in their own family then if god forbid something happens to them in the wider world, they can stand up for it! As Emma Watson said in her UN HeforShe speech  "gender inequality is also a man's issue" 

And that is true. Boys are taught from a young age that girls will only belong to the kitchen and the bedroom!  They see their mothers giving up their dreams because they have to take care of their family! And most of them see abuse and violence between parents. When that boy grows up to be a man, all that will reciprocate! And the vicious circle continues. Media 
also plays a huge role in this. You can't listen to one song without some kind of sexual reference or bad mouthing women. You can't watch a movie without the actress dancing in skimpy clothes or used just for glamour! Playboys using and throwing women is applauded in movies but if the roles are reversed, the critics tear apart the movie. 
Whether you have a son or daughter, teach them the same rules and stick by it! And never say "Because you are a girl, you can't do this". Teach your daughters self-respect and teach your sons respect. Raise them right and raise them equally. You'll be amazed at what kind of inspiring people  they'll become! 

So support the women around and give them those opportunities.  See a woman not only good to take care of her family but of the society too!  Don't limit her! 

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