Friday 17 April 2020

Where's the time going?

When they announced the lockdown, I panicked thinking that staying at home for 4 days will drive me mad. But I also forgot that I am a mum and therefore whether it's lockdown or not, I'm still going to be busy. But I didn't expect the time to go so quickly!!!!!!

The days I go to work, I wake up at 6, cook, set the timetable for the kids for the day and leave by 7.30am. I usually come back by 5.30-6. By the time, I have a shower and cook, it's nearly 7. Then i spend 30mins with the kids to play or do whatever they want, do our pe with Joe Wicks and then dinner. Kids then watch TV while I go to bed.

On the days I'm home, I was up at 8-9am make breakfast for everyone, settle the kids in for their studying and work until I cook for lunch around 12.30/1pm.  After we have lunch, we do our cleaning chores and tidying up and until its time to cook dinner, we play games, do our individual activities or arts and crafts. During individual activities, I usually set myself some tasks like boring tidying up under beds, wardrobes, ironing, etc... Or, I have been doing  more painting, sewing, reading, designing my earrings, etc... We also manage to fit in movies in between everything and a walk outside if the weather is good. So as you see, the time flies. For us, mums time never stops unfortunately, There's always something to do even in a lockdown!!!

Quarantine diary - Easter week (week 3)

Happy Easter Guys!!!! God, it came and went so quickly though. It is also week 3 of lockdown and it has just been announced that the lockdown is going to be extended for another 3 weeks so Lucky's broody will be sent indoors. Any birthday ideas indoors will be greatly appreciated ('I'm thinking of doing a zoom party with her friends and playing party games).

Anyway, I've still got time to think and plan it accordingly. So what have we been doing the last week  on top of the usual studying (I love twinkle so much) and working.

Since it was Easter, I downloaded lots of resources on Easter and put on a final play of the Easter story and how it is celebrated around the world. On top of that, we did the following:
  •  Easter Egg Hunt- i used some great riddles from Frugal Fun for boys and girls so the kids can find their eggs. A good 45minutes was spent
  • We built and decorated a pirate ship and castle from cardboard so the kids have been using them as their reading space and playing too
  • I invested in some seed bombs from Aamazon. Kids have planted them and now looking after them
  • Lucky has been doing some knitting while Mahi took part in more online art competitions
  • During the weekend, we watched a musical on the Youtube Channel 'The Show Must Go on'. They were streaming Jesus Christ, Superstar. To be honest with you we got quite bored of it.  But every Friday, they release a new musical which will be available to watch for the rest of the weekend therefore we will be revisiting the channel every friday to see what's on.
  • I also bought some glowsticks from Amazon and did some dancing with them. We practised the whole day to put on a show in the night time. It was so much fun.
  • Baking- more baking was done. This time it was a red velvet cake from the kids.
  • We had animal guests visiting our homes. You can google animals and press 3d view for them to appear at your home and take pictures with them. Again a few hours of fun! I had a great time too.
  • We have written some letters to our local cafe homes and drew them colourful pictures to give them some company in these tough times. Hopefully they’ll reply and become our own pals.
  • We have been doing online cooking classes - we are following the Kids's Kitchen on Saturday mornings. Nicole will email us the ingredients we need the week before so we are all prepared.
  • Captain Fantastic on Facebook is also very good in keeping un entertained if I need a helping hand.

I hope you are all staying safe.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Quarantine diary - week 1 and 2

2 weeks under lockdown has gone. The toll on they kids can be seen. They miss going outside (the balcony doesn't count!). I don't take them out at all because it's too risky. With both me and husband being key workers, I'm worried that they are already exposed as they are and don't want to take any risks. 

But we are managing. Kids are following through the timetable and juggling both work and homeschooling seems to be going fine (touchwood). Except from studying, the kids have been cooking proper dinners (sometimes dinner is ready when I come home work), they are becoming responsible around the house by tidying after them more than before ( although we still have a long way to go) and we are spending more time together. There's no rush to be anywhere. There's no pressure to do certain things on certain days. Time has slowed and we are enjoying our time as a family more. 

What have we been doing except studying?:
  • Food survey - the kids raided the kitchen and worked together to come up with the types of food we have and made a very impressive presentation including tally and pie charts, bar graphs and pictures. This tied up with what they were learning at school in science. It also involved ICT and maths skills
  • Museum project - I'm quite excited about this one and see what the kids come up. This is a long term project. They have to design and build their own museum. They are so involved  in it, its amazing to hear the facts being thrown at you. i can't wait to see the end product.
  • We made our own sand using 8 cups of plain flour and 1 cup of baby oil so Mahi was more excited to play with sand
  • Chalk art - we coloured our brick wall with chalk and left positive messages
  • British Science Week - since it was British science week last week, we did an experiment. It was very easy and simple. A test to see who was a super taster (i.e detect bitter tastes better). You have to coat 1/3 of your tongue with food colouring and using a hole-punched paper, put it on your tongue and count how many taste buds you can see in the hole. For the results, go to british science week website to download activity packs! Lucky has been research about Tamil women who achieved something in their STEM jobs.
  • Since Easter is upon us, we have been putting up some play of the events leading up to Easter. Its great to see their creativity coming through. We also made easter chicks made up of eggs cartoons. The idea is to fill some with chocolate and use it for my easter egg hunt.
  • Advertisements - Mahi came with a brilliant idea to make ads. So he came up with a product and along with this sister made a very funny ad to promote his 'Godzilla Energy Drink'.
  • We had movie nights inside our home-made tent.
  • I taught them how to basic stitching and seeing buttons.
  • Mahi has trouble tying his shoelaces and so I taught him. Laksha has trouble braiding her own hair so I've been helping her with that
  • Art - i mean ignoring the fact that Mahi draws every single second he is free, they also do paint by numbers. Noel Fielding does #noelsartclub on twitter every saturday between 3-5 asking everyone to draw based on a theme he picks. Mahi was so thrilled to see his drawing on twitter and people liking, retweeting and commenting on it!
For my entertainment because if Mummy is not looked after then the world will fall apart :
  • Learning new hairstyles. When Lucky was younger, I loved doing her hair. But then since school run and weekend has become so hectic with 2 kids, i've never had time to try out new hairstyles.
  • Watching more movies and series
  • Talking with friends and families
  • Repairing earrings that I needed some love and saying a very hard goodbye to others
I hope you are surviving and used to the new 'normal'.