Friday 17 April 2020

Quarantine diary - Easter week (week 3)

Happy Easter Guys!!!! God, it came and went so quickly though. It is also week 3 of lockdown and it has just been announced that the lockdown is going to be extended for another 3 weeks so Lucky's broody will be sent indoors. Any birthday ideas indoors will be greatly appreciated ('I'm thinking of doing a zoom party with her friends and playing party games).

Anyway, I've still got time to think and plan it accordingly. So what have we been doing the last week  on top of the usual studying (I love twinkle so much) and working.

Since it was Easter, I downloaded lots of resources on Easter and put on a final play of the Easter story and how it is celebrated around the world. On top of that, we did the following:
  •  Easter Egg Hunt- i used some great riddles from Frugal Fun for boys and girls so the kids can find their eggs. A good 45minutes was spent
  • We built and decorated a pirate ship and castle from cardboard so the kids have been using them as their reading space and playing too
  • I invested in some seed bombs from Aamazon. Kids have planted them and now looking after them
  • Lucky has been doing some knitting while Mahi took part in more online art competitions
  • During the weekend, we watched a musical on the Youtube Channel 'The Show Must Go on'. They were streaming Jesus Christ, Superstar. To be honest with you we got quite bored of it.  But every Friday, they release a new musical which will be available to watch for the rest of the weekend therefore we will be revisiting the channel every friday to see what's on.
  • I also bought some glowsticks from Amazon and did some dancing with them. We practised the whole day to put on a show in the night time. It was so much fun.
  • Baking- more baking was done. This time it was a red velvet cake from the kids.
  • We had animal guests visiting our homes. You can google animals and press 3d view for them to appear at your home and take pictures with them. Again a few hours of fun! I had a great time too.
  • We have written some letters to our local cafe homes and drew them colourful pictures to give them some company in these tough times. Hopefully they’ll reply and become our own pals.
  • We have been doing online cooking classes - we are following the Kids's Kitchen on Saturday mornings. Nicole will email us the ingredients we need the week before so we are all prepared.
  • Captain Fantastic on Facebook is also very good in keeping un entertained if I need a helping hand.

I hope you are all staying safe.

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