Monday 2 November 2020

A lockdown too late!

 A 4 week lockdown has been announced in England over the weekend! I knew it was going to happen with all the covidiots roaming around and useless governments 'initiatives' but it came a little too late.

Just a warning that you may not agree with everything I have to say but would happily have a healthy discussion but no abuse please!

I knew a  lockdown was going to come when the 'Eat out to help out' scheme was announced when we still had the virus chasing us over summer! And the cherry on the top is when the PM accused the public for spreading the virus by using the scheme! Hahahaha! As I drove past restaurants from Monday to Wednesday, the queue were astonishing! But there were in nowhere longer than the ones I saw outside pubs at 5pm when the government announced that pubs need to close by 10pm. So not only have I had to weave through overcrowding on pavements, with most people in the queues with no masks or/and not socially-distancing, after work (not mentioning people getting drunk much more earlier), I've had people at 10pm still very drunk on the pavements and roads, disturbing the neighbourhood and helping spread the virus even more! But guess what, we still helped local businesses at the expense of our health! So it is a totally win-win situation for us.

We had a very expensive track and trace app developed and promoted as a big breakthrough to tackle the pandemic. However, it failed.... miserably. I still don't know what the point of it is to be honest. The biggest joke of it is that we are still paying towards it!!!!!!!! 

As someone working in the NHS, staff had to have weekly swabs. Although I personally hated being swabbed (bad gag-reflex), I did it for the safety of my patients and my family. But guess what, mid September came and staff testing couldn’t be done regularly anymore because there wasn’t enough testing kits! We are paying millions towards an app that doesn’t work but we don’t have enough money on buying more swabs! Ouch! 

Schools reopening. My kids and me were relieved when they went back to school. Not for the education but more for their overall wellbeing! When I said another lockdown was going to happen, my daughter said that she couldn’t deal with another 6months at home! Although as a working parent, I was half and half about them going back to school but I’ll do whatever to make my kids happy so I was happy that schools are remaining open. But parents making pick up/drop offs twice a day, how is that going to help with transmission rates? Also unis. Why are uni remaining open when all their lectures are mostly done online?? Isn’t it safer to send uni students at halls back home? Imagine students, unable to go home, stuck in their flat?! I’m thinking illegals rave parties and a great breeding ground for the virus! 

For nearly 5 years now, I've been wondering how I would, hell, how my kids would have made better decision/policy-makers than the cloys we currently have in the circus that we call a government. They could have prevented this lockdown by being proactive. They could have prevented this lockdown by using their brains. They could have prevented this if they cared about us. Ours did things for the sake of doing it! The government doesn’t give a hoot about us and who’s going to pay for it??!! 

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