Tuesday 21 February 2017

1 Day without Us

I'm a day late for this post but still want to take part in this. '#1daywithoutus is a national day of action on 20th February to show the contribution of migrant to the UK'. I'm a proud migrant.

I was born and brought in France and came to the UK because my parents thought UK will provide more opportunities for me and my brothers. I came here at 13 and did all my further studies here. Along the way, I always volunteered. Whether it's at school helping other migrant children with the English language, helping out at the local hospice, mentoring,etc you name it!

15 years later, I work in the NHS doing clinical trials for gynaecologist cancer. I haven't stop volunteering and have taken up campaigning for the last 4years. I work with local and national charities that deal with mental health, young parents/young mums. I'm proud to say that what I'm doing on a national level, I'm bringing to improve my local community. I've delivered mental health workshop in the Tamil community where mental health talk is taboo. I've helped/helping break that taboo. I'm in the process of rolling out a couple of ideas for young parents in Harrow from support groups to overcoming barriers such as work and study by liaising with my local MP and council. It's still in working progress but I'm getting there. I've mentored in my local community and seen anxious and shy young (English shall I add) women now confident and making their own path in this world!

So as a migrant, not only I am contributing to beat cancer during the day but after the kids have gone to bed, I put on my campaigner/volunteer cap on and try to make this community and country a better for my beautiful children and for all the others living in Harrow and UK!

And what do this migrant's children do as well? Volunteer of course! Lucky is only 7 but she is enrolled as a local community champion for the local council winning an award recently for her work and volunteers for the National Children's bureau.

So next time you complain about how migrants take up your jobs, how migrants just stay on benefits, etc... think about where your Dr comes from, who is helping you sort out your car/house, who is teaching your child? 

 So don't judge migrants. Before judging migrants whether they are good or bad to the UK, maybe think about you first and if you are in the position to judge anybody else!

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