Monday 13 February 2017

London Children Bookswap and Imagine children's festival

Another weekend go by so quick? Where does the time go?

We started the weekend on a high as Lucky's team won 1st prize at the District Beavers Group Wuiz Night. It wasn't her first award but since it was 'the prettiest award' she's ever received, she introduced the whole family and gave a tour of our flat to the award!

The next morning, the kids didn't want to go to their classes because it was too cold!  I reluctantly agreed because who wants to play tennis at 9am with -1 temperature. But that didn't mean having a lie down. The kids still woke me up at 7. What is up with that?? Anyway we had a fun afternoon planned so better get up and start the day.

Every year, in London, there's a massive children's book swap. It's one of those annual events we always look forward too. This was our 3rd year and this time we went to one of our favourite places in London, the Southbank Centre and just to coincide with another one of our favourite events, Imagine Children's Festival.  We got ready for our book swap last week and packed 2 bags full of books we no longer wanted. As soon as we came to the Southbank centre, that's exactly what've done.  While Lucky was grabbing all things horrid Henry, horrible histories and wanted to expanding her author ranges, Mahi  took anything that looked gory, with spiders, dinosaurs and sea mammals on the cover. We kept dropping back to the station to see if there's been new addition to the swap.

Imagine Festival this year had a Nordic theme. We grabbed some books written by Nordic authors. There was a huge Lego workshop which Mahi absolutely adored, helping to put in together a huge picture made up of Lego. There was a Rave-a-too party and we busted some serious moves and swirled in the confetti rain! There was no shame at all! I am a mum with no shame! I'm that mum who is not embarrassed to have fun with my kids as long as they are not emebrassed. I'm the mum who slides down slides, who will be playing around on those huge soft play centres blaming it on Mahi that he needs my help (he doesn't need my help but what is the point of having kids if you can't use them as scapegoat?). I have no shame! So it was us 3 busting robot moves, Mahi doing his version of street dance and me and lucky twirling and doing lifting. They also had dens so off the kids went to play around (sadly it was too small for me) :( Anyways, there was so much going on we couldn't do everything. Something that happened every year! If you are in London next year, go for it! It's awesome. London Booksawp happens at different venues and again one not be missed!

We then wondered around the market and had some food! Lucky is a big rainbow cake fun and we saw the biggest rainbow cake ever! It was so yummy! Mahi chose banana in chocolate and marshmallow topping. The boy ate the marshamallowsnand scooped the chocolate only. The nana was a forgotten case. I paid £3 for just marshmallow and runny chocolate basically. Typical!!!
Anyways we had a blast and we had a glow stick party before we all cuddled up to bed.

Sunday is our PJ days. We love Sundays. It's pancakes for breakfast and some kind of fun tidying up. The kids couldn't wait to put up their newly swapped bpokedmon their bookcases. We also tied up both their memory boxes. It was nice to relive the stuff I stored away. Like their first dummy, their first ultrasound picture, how we picked their names, their first scribbles etc.. I even have their umbilical cord! Yep! We always do some baking so since it's Lucky's turn to choose a recipe, we did chocolate chip muffins. Yummy! And before you knew it, it was time to go to bed!

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