Monday 20 February 2017

Surviving half-term as a working mum

Ah... Half-term! As a working mum, it fills me with guilt that I can't spend the whole week with them! I love looking after my family and that's why I always look forward to the holidays even if it means just having 1day off. Usually, on the days I'm at work, I need to come up with ways that will keep them entertained. Thankfully, no holiday childcare is needed as dad is always home during day. I pre-plan everything. I plan what to do over the weekend and what day I could take off depending on what's going on in and around London. At home, they have a structure anyways  and so it's nothing out of routine. On Sundays, I plan what they need to study over the next week. I plan fun activities that they will like is going to Hobbycraft and stocking on lots of bits and bobs. I also organise at least 1 play date for the whole day at their friends' house.

From Friday, it was my day off so we had a long weekend as a family with lots of outings. We visited the local library for storytelling. It's called Tigeropolis and was all about vegetarian tigers which Mahi was disappointed about because he wanted gory details! But he still asked lots of clever questions and was impressed shy how confident he has become. We went to Museum of London to learn about the Great Fire of London as Laksha was learning about it. Mahi's best friend came too so it was nice to have some company. We took part in storytelling and did activity trail around the museum. However, the kids came restless quiet quickly as I think it's more suited to older kids and adults. Is half-term even half term without a trip to the Museum. This time it was Mahi's turn and what did we watch... drum roll... The new Lego Batman movie. It was such a good movie! We were jiggling in our seats to the songs, laughing but mos for all the kids learned about the importance of team work (which I hope is going to last more than a couple of days)! Mahi stayed until the very end credits dancing around in his own as he didn't want to leave. We then visited one of my kids favourite place, Kidzania. We've only been there once before but I along with the kids seriously love the place. It's all above role playing. They start off with some money and have several 'jobs' and places to spend. Basically, it's the miniature version of the adult world but less expensive and less cruel. So while Laksha was the saver, Mahi was a spender. He spent a lot but was pleased that he didn't need any help with counting the money he had to give away. He even went shopping on his own. Laksha's money skills were on point! She knew how much she had and so indulged in some spending that won't break her bank. I was so proud of her when I begged her to try the radio show and being a news reader( because I secretly wanted to do it myself but no adults were allowed in the acitivities) by saying it paid a lot but she got annoyed at my constant begging and replied"Mummy! It's not all about the money! It's about your passion" (which is a dialogue I use with my husband a lot so eventhough I was proud of Lucky for standing up to what she wanted to do, I was proud of myself). The kids loved trying out new jobs. 4 hours still isn't enough. We were all exhausted at the end! And then before you knew it, half term was over 😭😭😭

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