Wednesday 15 March 2017

Brexit's victim

A post I wanted to write so much but they was no better time than now after the brexit bill has passed this week. The uncertainty and the anxiousness I've been feeling since 24th June 2016 has now turned into pure fear. I'm scared!

I was born and brought up in France and moved to the UK in 2001 as my parents thought it will provide us with more education/career opportunities. I completed my higher education, undergoing a post-graduate degree, got married here, my 2 kids were born here and worked and paid my taxes since I finished uni. I also volunteer and campaign endlessly on both local and national level about issues affecting young parents. Basically, I made my life here whether I liked it or not.

So when a referendum was announced about whether the UK should stay in Europe, I wasn't really bothered. I thought no one will be that stupid enough to vote out especially when jokers like Nigel Farage was backing the out camp. As the day got closer to vote, I saw debates and still didn't think much of it. The talks at work and amongst friends was always how it was ever going to happen. Laksha, my 7 year old, got really into it and watched some debates. She was dying to vote Lucky because there are "too many people who are going to waste their vote". Her views were "It's nice to have friends around and who will help you when you really need it" (she meant other countries helping UK and vice versa), "Mummy, I might want to study in another country for free", "I'll be very sad if my friends left. I like it when we teach each other our languages and traditions", "Mummy, I don't want you to leave us", "Mummy, why do they blame everything on people from other countries when it's the politicians who make the decisions for this country?" And that when I saw the other perspective of why people might want to vote out. But that scary thought only lasted a few minutes.

The next morning, I switch on the TV and thought I was misreading the headlines but I couldn't deny it. Laksha sneaked up next to me and started to sob asking me if they were going to throw me out of the UK and how will they cope without me. Although, I didnt show any emotions in front of her, inside my future became a question mark? Will I really be separated from my family? Do I need to start my life all over when back in France? And eventually got very angry. Is this how UK is repaying me for paying my taxes, making my community better for future generations? As I saw cowards resigning from their posts or backing away from huge responsibility and the country being under the control of someone that the public haven't voted for, I got angrier. Especially when they are no plans or explanations about that horrid phrase 'brexit mean brexit'!!! These politicians have used me and many other with citizens as scapegoats to jut get the votes.

Fast forward to now, I'm anxiously waiting to receive my permanent residency after filling out an 85 page long application form asking me eveidencenof what I've done for the past 5years. I have no idea what the outcome will be but as days go by and more and more scary things are being announced aborbBrexit, I'm getting upset and nervous.

I didn't wish to come here or to make  a life here but it was my wish to make this country a better place for my children and other children. But unfortunately, that's not what these politicians and the  majority of the U.K. population have thad in mind when they voted to come out of EU. They've just thrown out not only my future along with 3.3million other EU citizen but the future generation's too!

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