Thursday 23 March 2017

British Science Week 2017

British Science Week has come and gone and since we couldn't find any events around us, we brought he science week to our house! As the theme was change, we wanted to do something different to what we usually do or have tried. So I've downloaded a resource pack for both Lucky and Mahi.

With Lucky, we built a whole weather station. For the rain gauge, we just cut out the top of the milk bottle and marked to side of the bottle with measurements. And voila! The next was an anometer to measure the sleek of wind. Great as it was so windy and we could put it to use later on. We used some  skewers to poke it through the middle of a cereal box and secured the bottom of the skewer with play dough. We then stuck 2 cupboard pieces across each other and popped through the skewers. We stuck 4 plastic cups on all 4 sides. It's now done! To calculate the speed, mark 1 cup and for 15seconds, count how many whole turns that marked cup is making. Then multiply it by 4 and you get the speed which is measured in resolution! Lastly, we also did a little compass to know the wind direction. Lucky has been measuring rain and wind everyday and loves it!

For Mahi, as he loves painting, we wanted to find out colour changes and what colours you'll get when mixing with them. So we used straws to blend colours in. It turned into a chasing game but it was a beautiful explosion of colours at the end.

A beautiful way to spend a weekend and the kids didn't know we were learning too.

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