Friday 10 March 2017

Budget 2017

I tried very hard not to watch or follow anything about the Speing Budget announced on Wednesday but I couldn't resist to take a peak in the hope that some relief will come for working families like mine who are struggling to make ends meet. But alas, that was wishful thinking and now hope I could rewind the clock and be in my world of oblivion.

This government is banging on about how it helps working families but i think I'm missing the point unless to Tories the word 'help' means ' torture'. There's going to be another inflation with salaries barely going up. Living wage is rising from £7.20 to £7.50 but I still don't know how they came to the conclusion that amount is ok to live on! Meaning that instead of worrying which bill I need sacrifice this month in order to juggle day-to-day life, I need to now think of which billS , I need to avoid to pay so I can have food on the table and be able to travel to work. Life is so fantastic!!!

I don't know why we are being punished over and over again! We are hard working, don't claim any benefits and yet we seem to be going down faster and faster! At the last budget, I came to the conclusion I'm never going to buy a house. This budget now I could confirm that we'll be officially a working poor family! I just don't know how I'm going to stretch the money to accommodate all these price hikes that are coming to place and I'm not even mentioning Brexit and it's consequences!

Thanks to the government once again for making us poorer and poorer despite us working our arses off!

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