Monday 6 March 2017

Teaching your kid a second language!

'I can't do this!' I say to myself while trying not not to pull my hair out while Is staring at the whiteboard. I've undertaken the enormous task of teaching my mother tongue, Tamil. We tried language school for 2 years but it just got repetitive eith Laksha not learning much. Although e have learned more things over the last 2 months then she has done in language school sometimes, I just feel lost in translation eon Laksha.

Tamil is one of the oldest languages with Over 200+ letters so a complex language to say the least. In tamil, one letter change or wrong pronouciation will end up in a totally differ t world so we need to rely on sounds a lot. For example, they are 3 types of L.  So yep... you csnjncdeftand why it feels like a nightmare teaching your 7 year old our mother tongue but it's got to be done. So what do I do to help me and Laksha to learn our mother tongue/second language. Lots of visuals and to take it slowly (which even with that Lucky struggles because "she's got bad memory"). We use a lot of colours too and make it interactive. Sometimes I tell her to teach me a letter with all its different sounds and to come up with words. On other days, it's me dictating to Lucky some words with the sounds from the same letter family. But Lucky's favourite is to pretend to decipher codes. I write words or see movies titles and she''ll use her books to reveal what it says. It really excites her!

 But it's so hard to teach them when the child is so forgetful (an excuse she uses when she's too lazy to think)! She's not interested in learning the language which is another thing but if you don't know at least a second language. But how do you nmake that understand to a child who is still in her own bubble so not knowing how Learning a second language now can be advantageous to her future. I guess this is what as parents we need to deal with and blackmail them into learning something they don't want to. My blackmail is that i refuse to teach her French until She learns Tamil. . As someone born and bred in France I just need to teach her French and Laksha loves the language but no can do until Miss learns her Tamil! 

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